Oct 4, 2023

More heavy training today.


Session 1: Warm-up & Mobility: lat stretch, chest stretch, hamstring stretch, pigeon stretch, frog stretch, swim 100m or ski 500m 

Clean Warm up: 2 Rounds

  • Clean Grip RDL (Above Knee): 5 reps

  • Power Clean from Knees: 5 reps

  • Front Squat with :01 Pause: 5 reps

  • Front Rack Dips: 5 reps

  • Push Jerks: 5 reps


  • DB Hang Squat Cleans: 

    • 3x6 at RPE 6 

    • (Notes: This is a primer to get the body through the clean with an unstable load)

  • Tall Cleans: 

  • Cleans: 

    • 2x2 at 70%

    • 2x2 at 75%

    • 1x2 at 80% 

    • (Notes: Singles only)

  • Sprint Finisher: 

    • 7x10s Echo Bike Sprint 

    • :30s rest

Session 2: Warm-up & Mobility: 3 way band lat stretch, hamstring stretch, pigeon stretch, ankle/hip mobility


  • Front Squats: 

    • 5x7 at RPE 6.5 or 65% 

    • (Notes: Control the eccentric, slight pause at the bottom of each squat)


  • 4 Rounds

    • 10/10 DB Bulgarian Split Squats 35s/20s

    • 10/10 Elevated Single Leg Glute Bridge (20" Box)

    • 10/10 Pistol Squats

    • Rest :90s between sets

Metcon: 4 Sets

  • AMRAP 5:00

    • 5 Thrusters 115#

    • 7 Muscle Ups (ODD Rounds BMU, Even Rounds RMU)

    • 9 Cal Ski Erg

    • Rest 5:00 Between Sets

October 3, 2023

Just got back from an elk hunting trip. Tons of walking up hills with a pack which was good for cardio.

Back to the grind of trying to make the CrossFit Games in my age group.

Monday -

Session 1: Warm up: 3 way banded lat stretch, chest stretch, tricep stretch, DB/KB: 5 each - good mornings, front squats, strict press, RDL

Warm up:

  • 3 Rounds

    • 15 Cal Row

    • 10 Air Squats

    • 5 Box Jumps

    • 10 Single-leg KB RDL (light KB)


  • Back Squat: 5x7 - 65% or RPE 6.5 (Notes: Before your squats... load up the bar to 100% of your 1RM and complete 3x :25s back rack holds, rest as needed between sets. On the sets of squats, control the eccentric, slight pause at the bottom of each squat)

  • Strict Press: 5x7 - 60% or RPE 6


  • 3 Rounds

    • 10/10 Single Arm DB Front Squat (Heavy)

    • 15 DB Push Press (Unbroken with Moderate Weight)

    • 75' HS Walk

    • Rest: :90s

Session 2: Warm up: Crossover symmetry, hip halo, ankle/hip mobility, 3 way lat stretch

Warm up:

  • 3 rounds

    • 2 Wall Walks

    • 20 Double unders


  • 10-8-6-4-2

    • Wall Walks

  • 20-40-60-80-100

    • Double Unders

Sprint Work

  • 10 Rounds

    • Every 2:00

      • 8 Cal Echo Bike

      • 8 Bar Facing Burpees


Session 1: Warm up: pigeon stretch, hamstring stretch, calf stretch, 5 of each with empty barbell: good mornings, elbow rotations, back squats, strict press, RDL, front squats


  • 4 Rounds

    • 500m Row

    • 20 Toes to Bar

    • Rest 2:00 between round

  • Rest 5:00

  • 4 Rounds

    • 600m Run

    • 20 Chest to bars

    • Rest 2:00 between rounds

  • Total time 44:05

Session 2: Warm up: crossover symmetry, hip halo, tricep stretch, lat stretch

Empty barbell: Clean Grip RDL (Above Knee): 5 reps, Power Clean from Knees: 5 reps, Front Squat with :01 Pause: 5 reps, Front Rack Dips: 5 reps, Push Jerks: 5 reps

Snatch Warm up: 2 Rounds

  • Snatch Grip RDL: 5 reps

  • Muscle Snatch: 5 reps

  • Power Snatch from Knee: 5 reps

  • Bottom Snatch Press: 5 reps

  • Overhead Squat: 5 reps


  • Single Arm DB Overhead Squats: 

    • 3x8 per arm RPE 7

  • Snatch Balance:

    • 3x3 at 70% or RPE 7 (Notes: Focus on fast lockout)

  • Snatch Pull: 

    • 5x3 at 80% or RPE 8 (Notes: Focus on precise positioning)

  • Snatch: 

    • 2x2 at 70%

    • 2x2 at 75%

    • 1x2 at 80% 

    • (Notes: Singles only)

  • Snatch Grip RDL:

    • 5x5 at 70% or RPE 7 

    • (Notes: Slow and controlled eccentric with a slight puase at the end range... base 70% on your 1RM Snatch NOT your 1RM Deadlift)

  • For Quality

    • 50-40-30-20-10 - GHD Sit ups

    • 10-20-30-40-50 - Banded Good Mornings

Sept 20, 2023

Good day today. Slightly lighter in anticipation of the upcoming Wodapalooza qualifiers.

Session 1: Warm-up & Mobility: lat stretch, chest stretch, hamstring stretch, pigeon stretch, frog stretch, swim 100m or ski 500m 

Swim Session:

  • 5 Rounds:

    • 50m Max Effort Swim

    • 1:00 Rest

  • Rest 5:00

    • 1k Swim

Ski Session - if unable to swim:

  • 5 Rounds

    • 250m Max Effort Ski

    • Rest 1:00

  • Rest 5:00

    • 2.5k Ski at Moderate Pace

Session 2: Warm-up & Mobility: 3 way band lat stretch, hamstring stretch, pigeon stretch, ankle/hip mobility


  • Deadlift

    • 5x5 - Heavy (4 second descent on last rep)

Metcon: 4 rounds

  • 4:00 AMRAP

    • 100m Run

    • 5 Tuck Jumps

    • 9 DB Squat Cleans - 50s

    • 6 DB/KB Push up to Bent over Row

    • Rest 2:00 between rounds

Sept 19, 2023

Hiring the Coach was a great move. I don’t know if it is sustainable, but I am putting in more time than ever…including Selection training.

I have tried to qualify for 3 events now.

The Masters Online Collective - I did qualify for this one in 6th place but will not compete in the real event as it is in conflict with my elk hunt

The Legends - I also qualified for this one in 16th place and may compete in the real one in Dec in Arizona. They take the top 25

The Wodapalooza - Currently in 8th place after 3 events…2 more to go. The only take the top 5

The extra work has helped significantly. What does the extra work look like? Here is a sample day:

Session 1: Warm up: Crossover symmetry, hip halo, 3 way banded lat stretch, chest stretch, tricep stretch, Barbell: 5 each - good mornings, elbow rotations, back squats, strict press, RDL, Front squats


Snatch Balance:

80%: 3,3 reps

85%: 3,3,3 reps

2 Overhead Squats (from Rack) + 1 Snatch:

73%: 3,3,3 reps

78%: 3,3,3 reps

(Take the bar from the rack and complete 2 overhead squats, drop the bar, complete your snatch and re-rack)

Back Squat:

85%: 4,4,4,4,4 reps (slow controlled eccentric, :01 second pause)

Sprint Finisher: 7 Rounds

10 second Echo Bike Sprint OR Ski Erg Sprint

30 second Rest

Accessory (optional):

4 Rounds

10 Back Extensions: (1 second pause at the top)

:35s Double KB Front Rack wall Sit (moderate weight)

10/10 KB Gorilla Rows (moderate weight)

Session 2: Warmup: Crossover Symmetry, hip halo, Lat stretch, Chest stretch

Gymnastics: 12:00 EMOM

Min 1: 3 Wall Walks

Min 2: 50' HS Walk

Min 3: Rest

Metcon: For Time (20:00 Time cap)

40 Cal Row

30 Toes to bar

12 Sandbag over the shoulder cleans - 125#

40 Box Step overs - 35# DB

12 Sandbag over the shoulder cleans

30 Toes to bar

40 Cal Row

Accessory (optional)

10 Rounds

10 cal C2 Bike - Damper 10

10 V-Ups OR GHD sit ups

I have been really taking care of my body with proper supplementation and a good bit of extra food. Im at about 3000+ calories right now which does have me a bit heavier than I might like, but the performance is good and my energy levels are ok.

LMNT has been crucial to this whole process and I have really embraced what sodium can do for performance. I am taking it pre workout mixed with Beta Alanine and then again through the day due to the excessive sweat from these workouts, plus the sauna sessions I am doing.

I have a code if you want to get some: CLICK HERE for a free sample pack of every flavor they offer which is a $20 value

Later this week, Wodapalooza will drop their last 2 workouts which I will do before going elk hunting next week.

August 25, 2023

Lots of changes that have me not posting here. Ill play catch up a bit.

I have decided that I am going to get more serious about making it to the CrossFit Games this year. First step was to hire a Coach. I didn’t want just any Coach, I wanted one with a Masters background that was preferably a Master himself. I wanted someone that had proven that their training worked.

A while back I had Jason Grubb on the podcast. I liked Jason right away and he has certainly proven himself. Jason is a 4x CrossFit Games Age Group Champion. He is now my coach.

On day 1 I went from working out about 1:15:00 to a much higher volume of 3:45:00. The first week was pretty brutal with the volume staying right around that amount for most of the week.

He suggested that I change my schedule from m-f taking Sat and Sun off to M,T,W take Thursday off, Fri, Sat, take Sun off. I have done this now for 2 weeks and I do feel like it has made a big difference in my recovery and progress.

The Legends Online Qualifier recently released their workouts and I have been trying to qualify. What I write beyond this is intended to help anyone that may try to qualify for an online competition like the CrossFit Games or other but it may also make me sound like a complete dumbass which is the way that I have felt all week.

The workouts were released and competitors have until Sept 10 to submit scores. You can repeat them as many times as you want but once submitted it is a blind leaderboard which means that you will not be able to see what anyone else has done. The Games is different as you can see in real time how your score is holding up and repeat the ones you see are not very good.

There are 6 workouts in this competition. I have done 6 workouts to this point but only 3 of them have counted. Yep, that’s right, only 3 have counted.

You can do them in any order you want so I chose to do the last one first. It called for


row calories

Lateral burpees over the rower.

I did this one in a decent time I thought. Upon rereading the rules, I realized that many of my reps were not going to count because on the last of each of these I only stepped one foot over the rower and began rowing. That will be a no rep so I had to do this one over.

Next I did the 23.2 workout which is

Workout 23.2:
For Time (8 min cap)
9 burpee box jump over
9 shoulder to overhead
12 burpee box jump over
12 shoulder to overhead
15 burpee box jump over
15 shoulder to overhead

This one I was able ot complete with the right weight and the right rules. My score wasn’t what I had hoped but at least this one counted.

Next was the 23.4 which is

For time (14 Minute Cap) 4 Rounds

75 Double Unders

40’ Double DB Front Rack Lunge

12-9-6-3 chest to bar for my age group

I completed this one successfully and felt like I got a good score. At this point I have done 3 workouts but only 2 count.

Feeling like I had overcome my mistakes I confidently did

Workout 23.5: AMRAP in 11 minutes (3:1 work to rest X 3)

• AMRAP 3 Min
10 Cleans (weight #1) 10 TTB
rest 1 Min
8 Cleans (weight #2) 8 TTB
rest 1 Min
6 Cleans (weight #3) 6 TTB

This one was going ok except that I had to do it at the hottest part of the day and it was 98 degrees. I was out of the sun for the most part but it was extremely hot. I made sure that the camera was in the shade. When I finished this workout with what I thought might be a decent score I returned to the camera only to find the TEMPERATURE screen on saying that the phone had overheated…in the shade. I watched the video and it cut off almost all of my last round.

Now I have done 4 workouts with only 2 valid scores.

I decided that 23.3 would be next


Workout 23.3

15 min AMRAP


30 DB Snatch

15 Cal Row

I read the rules, set up the camera as instructed and made sure that the battery was charged. Since it was morning rather than afternoon it was almost 20 degrees cooler so I felt good about the overheating issue.

I did very well on the workout and got through more than 3 rounds. Doing 90 Handstand Pushups seems good for me so I was happy with the score. The video worked and I thought I had another valid score…until I realized I used the wrong weight. I used a 35 pound DB rather than a 50. I had read the standard for the Scaled division not the Rx.

So now I have done 5 workouts and only have 2 valid scores!

This morning I repeated the first one. I have learned a little I guess as I had 2 cameras rolling even though it was in the early morning and much cooler.

I did this one to standard and shaved 21 seconds off my previous time. Now I have done 6 workouts and have 3 valid scores!

I will do another one this afternoon and then 2 tomorrow to finish.

Lessons I have learned.

  1. Always have 2 cameras running

  2. Always read the rules carefully and make sure someone else reads them too to make sure you are doing it right

  3. Despite wanting to do these workouts in a one and done style, I have ALWAYS improved my score when I repeat a workout. Its not what I want to do but it does yield a better result

Hopefully this helps someone. I was so frustrated I wanted to quit but I won’t do that and Ill make it through these last 3. One of which I have not tried yet. I am not, however looking forward to another 90 handstand pushups

March 21, 2023

My intentions to keep up have been thwarted!

Workouts continue though.

My running is coming back and I am making great progress with my chronic calf injury. With the help of UHP Stretching I have regained a ton of mobility on my ankle, and calf resulting in me being able to run up to 4 miles without any problem. My experience with running and my stubborn instincts have taught me that too much, too fast, too soon is a real thing and that I should be patient and consistent.


Run 800 x5

take a 1 minute rest between

then 500 m cool down.

For those who have never seen it, here is a tour of my backyard gym

November 28, 2022

After a good holiday we are back to the regular schedule.

Our workout today called for something that I have been doing since about 2008. A 2000 m Row time trial. At 54, a PR means so much to me. I set an ALL TIME PR! Just barely but I came in under my previous best ever. My new PR is 7:25.7

This means that I am still improving at 54 years old! Things are going well, diet is on point, cardio is excellent and strength is right up there at the best ever. Im super excited!


Back Squat

1x10 @ 168.15lb

1x8 @ 182.9 b

1x6 @ 197.65lb

1x6 @ 209.45lb

1x6 @ 224.2lb

Front Squat

1x5 @ 150.01b

1x5 @ 175.Olb

2x5 @ 187.5lb

Bench Press

1x10 @ 100.Olb

1x8 @ 116.0 b

1x6 @ 130.Olb

2x4 @ 140.Olb


Back Squat

1x10 @ 168.15lb

1x8 @ 182.9 b

1x6 @ 197.65lb

1x6 @ 209.45lb

1x6 @ 224.2lb

Front Squat

1x5 @ 150.01b

1x5 @ 175.Olb

2x5 @ 187.5lb

Bench Press

1x10 @ 100.Olb

1x8 @ 116.0 b

1x6 @ 130.Olb

2x4 @ 140.Olb


Dumbbell Coffin Press


EZ Bar Skull Crusher



15/15 Weighted Russian Twist

20 Slow Knee Tuck

*Rest as needed between rounds.

Sept 6, 2022

Yesterday was a good workout with the group that started at a leisurely 8 am. We had, Ben and Jaqueline, Mathew and his 3 kids, Robert, Rusty and me + Moose. Ellie is on injured reserve due to a cut paw.

It was a good one yesterday starting with strict press 5,5,5,5


Ski, Sandbag clean and then ski in remaining time 2/2/2/2 with 1 min off

Then some core movements to finish it off


Squat snatch - which was a power snatch for me 5.5.5

Overhead Squat which I subbed for backwards sled pulls due to right knee

then 6 pullups, 500 m on ski, 10 Sandbag Cleans x 4 rounds


400 m run x 6. - I only did 4 but had no discomfort or injury! Ya!

Good day today!

Sept 2, 2022

Travel has been occupying my time lately. A trip to Auburn for my daughter, then Alaska then right to SC. I have not been posting here but I have been able to maintain fitness to a reasonable level as well as staying on my eating plan.

After all the travel I weighed in at 175 which was only up 4 pounds from where I left. I felt pretty good about that. I did a deck of cards (at least) every day while gone which isn’t enough to achieve elite fitness, but it is enough to maintain a level. Mostly, it allows me to keep moving and get a little sweat going anywhere, at anytime with no equipment.

Back in the garage today we did

Back Squat

5,5,5,5,5 135-195

then Bench Press

3x 12 light weight



2 rounds Cindy

5 Sandbag cleans

Max cal on Ski Erg in remaining time

2:30 on/1:30 off x 6 rounds


30 Bicycles

15/15 side plank hip touches

20 candlestick toe touches

Alan brought a new guy, Ben. Welcome. Alan, Josh, Steen +June, Will Ensign, Mathew Nuar, Me + Moose

August 9, 2022

It must be close to the first day of school because we had quite a reunion today!

Steen + June return from Wyoming, Will Ensign returns, Card Steel on his 2nd day of the return, then the regulars, Mathew, Jody, Jim, Rusty + Ellie and Me + Moose enjoyed a great workout while we celebrated the career of Olivia Newton John RIP.

With Grease soundtrack playing loud, we did this

Back Squat 5,4,3,3

Bench Press 3,3,3,3,max reps at light weight



25 ft Front Rack Walking Lunge

8 bar facing Burpees

25 ft front rack walking lunge

8 bar facing burpees

8 Bar muscleups

x 4 rounds

It called for 115/85 but I scaled this back to 55 due to the hip injury from falling off the pullups bar 2 weeks ago today. Its getting better but that is a tough movement right now.


Cardio finisher

1:00 on/1:00 off x 10 rounds

10 cal bike sprint then finish the minute at 1 mile pace.

Great start to the day.

Ethan Suplee on the podcast today!

August 3, 2022

Mid week awesomeness started at 4:30 am.

Mathew Nuar was here at 4:30 and I got downstairs shortly after.

Mathew, Kyle, March, Jim, Rusty + Ellie, Me + Moose today

Front Squat 5,4,3,2,1 165-230

Above knee pause power clean


Power Clean + Jerk

2=1 x 3, 1 + 1 x3

Pocket Snatch

3,3,3,2,2,2 102-115


20 Min AMRAP

20 Ski

20 GHD

10/10 Goblet Lunge

50 Double Unders


Stretch finisher

I felt a good bit better today. It has been exactly a week since I fell off the pullups bar and finally, I am able to do a few things that my body wasn’t allowing until now. I hope this means that I am close to getting back to 100%.

I was surprised to be able to front squat the empty bar today because any sort of squat has been out of the question, so there is some improvement there.

Then, I thought that a GHD would not be a good movement at all but I was able to do them.

Double unders were very tough 2 days ago but today I was able to get 50 unbroken.

I am certainly not 100% but making progress. A bruise finally showed up on my hip after 5 days which seems like there is some changes and maybe healing going on.

Take home value… Don’t fall off the pullups bar…it is not good…Busting your ass (literally) hurts and sets back training significantly.

August 2, 2022

Ellie with 3 balls!

The band is back together again! Jimmy is back! Alan rejoins the group after a vacation along with Mathew, Justin, Rusty + Ellie and Me + Moose

Today called for

Squat Clean + Split Jerk

2+1 X 3 @ 193

1+1 x @ @200


Deadlift 5,5,5,5,max reps 251, 268, 284, 268, 215

I did not do any of this lifting today due to the injury.


12 Min EMOM

12 cal row

10 OHS - I subbed 15 regular bodyweight squats and felt good that I could do them


12 min EMOM

14/11 Fan Bike

100” Sandbag Carry - 150/100 lbs - I subbed handstand walk


12 min Emom

14/11 Cal Ski

15 Ring Dips

Then, Shoot some arrows

August 1, 2022

Great start to the first Monday in August with Kyle, Rusty + Ellie and Me + Moose

Kyle and Rusty were having knee issues and I am still recovering from my fall off the pullup bar last week.

We changed up the program slightly today to allow for us to all train together and get in some work despite our injuries.

I feel very strongly that training should continue when injured. Of course, you have to be smart about it but I do not think that inactivity is beneficial to healing or to the mental state around an injury.

If you break your arm you may not be able to do many things like pullups of cleans, but does a broken arm mean that you couldn’t run or ride a bike? Could you do a squat, a sit up, some flutter kicks? The answer is obviously yes.

When I get injured I immediately start to think about the things that I can still do. Torn calf muscle means I shouldn’t run for 8 weeks…Im going to get really good at pullups in those 8 weeks. Hurt shoulder? Bodyweight squats, core work, running and bike. There is always something you can do.

Staying on the path helps the mental game more than the physical, probably. When injured, it is easy to get down and when we feel down often we resort to things that are not healthy. More drinking than usual, binge eating, not sleeping as much. When we stay on the path and never miss a day, it is easier to stay on the eating plan, continue a consistent sleep schedule, stretch, sauna, and feel good on a daily basis despite the injury.

So, to avoid those pitfalls, we have to alter our training sometimes and get in what we can.

Today we changed up the program a bit and got a good one, got the blood flowing and a good sweat.

Every 4 minutes x 5 rounds

25 cal bike

25 pushups


1 minute plank

100 flutters

x 5

Less volume than the program called for but we got it done!

July 27, 28, 2022

Yesterday was a great day right up to the last 1 second of the workout. Ill explain

We started with Strict Press @ 120

Then 2x that number at 100 lbs


2,2,2,2 minutes on/rest 1 minute

12 Dumbbells bench press 50s

12 cal row

Max GHD in remaining time

I got 19,20,21,22



1000 @ 1:53

rest 1 min

1000 @ 1:53

rest 1 min

1000 @ 1:53

rest 1 min

500 @ 1:50


I decided that w would do a finisher to prep for my goal of being able to do 54 kipping pullups on my birthday in August. My record is 53. I videoed the attempt just in case I made it and I wouldn’t have to do it again.

I felt ready and went for it. I did 50 unbroken kipping Butterly pullups and then felt my grip weakening. I readjusted and did 2 more kipping pullups. I had miscounted (after video review) and thought I was on 53 with only one more for the record. I went for it despite my grip being weak.

I pulled hard and my hands slipped off the bar and I went down extremely hard and landed on my left hip. I was very lucky that I did not hit my head at all. Regardless, it was a very hard fall and I had a tough time getting up.

Yesterday was spent with an ice pack and some advil. It was one of the least productive days I can remember.

Today was better and I was not going to let that injury sideline me for complete inactivity.

I was thinking…What can I do rather than thinking of all the things that I am unable to do in this condition.

I let the guys do the prescribed workout today which included Overhead squats, 800 m running intervals and a bike, dumbbell, bar muscle up workout…none of which seemed like something I could do in this condition.

I went through my stretching routine and felt like I could do most things that did not require any squatting or movement of the hip. During the stretch, I do 50 pushups and they felt pretty good and didnt aggravate the area that I hurt yesterday too bad.

I decided on 20 pushups a minute every minute for 50 minutes which is 1000.

No problem and it felt good to get the blood flowing and some sweat.

My back is feeling better than yesterday for sure. I am so thankful and grateful that I did not hit my head and thanks to March who was there immediately to see if I was ok.

More ice today and Ill be 90% by tomorrow.

Lesson learned was …when the grip fails…STOP DOING PULLUPS. This could have been pretty bad and I feel like I escaped with a painful but not serious injury.

July 26, 2022

Awesome Tuesday morning with Jose, Mathew, Rusty + Ellie, and Me + Moose

Sleep: only woke up once, 7 hours

Weight 173.6

Great workout this morning that started with a pretty thorough weight session

Front Squat

6,6,3,3 @ 165, 175, 205, 215

Power Clean with pause above knee

3x2 @ 145

Power Clean + Power Jerk

3 (3+1), 2+1, 2(1+1) @ 155-180

Power Snatch 3x2, 1x2, 2x1 @ 120-135


6 x (2:30 work/ 1:30 rest)

20 Wall Ball @ 20 lbs

15 Muscle Snatch @ 65

Max cal Bike in remaining time

My scores were 13, 13, 13, 12, 10, 9


Shoot 20 arrows at various distances

July 25, 2022

Monday mornings at the RRL are a favorite. Most people dread Monday but I look at it as a fresh start to the week and I look forward to the training after 2 days of recovery. This morning, Mathew was already 1/2 way through his workout when I go tin the garage a little before 5 am. Then, only Rusty and Kim showed up today. Ellie and Moose had a real good time this morning chasing each other and playing.

Today we started with:

Split Jerk



28 Minute EMOM

  1. Row 12

  2. 1 Round DT

  3. Bike 11

  4. Rest

1 Round DT = 12 deadlifts, 9 Hang Power Cleans, 6 Shoulder to Overhead


Bar hang - Accumulate 3 minutes

Great start to the week!

July 23, 24, 2022

Weekends are for recovery for me.

Extra sleep and extra stretching and recovery

Joe Hippensteel is my stretching coach and his program Ultimate Human Performance has been more impactful to my progress over the last year than anything else. Yep…more impactful than the weights, than the rowing, running, swimming, ski erg, bike…you name it.

It is due to this program that I have been able to double down in other areas and increase my durability to train harder than ever. It is literally the fountain of youth.

I did a full session of 2 minutes on/2 minutes off through the entire program. This is about a 2 hour session. On regular weekdays I will go through the entire program daily but I can spend more time on it on the weekends and spend more time in each position. The result is feeling like a million bucks.

I follow this with a few sessions of Fire and Ice which is where I will sit in the ice for

10 minutes then go directly to a 200+ degree sauna for 20 min

5 min/15 min

1 min/ 10 min

This is one of my favorite things to do but it takes time that I may not have during the week.

Ill make sure to follow my nutrition plan as well with no cheat days since March. This has me in a place that I am very happy with. 170 lbs, knees feeling great, sleep is on point, supplements seem to be helping in many areas. My performance in the gym is outstanding and Im still setting PRs at 53 years old in strength, stamina, speed and gymnastics.