March 17, 2018

March 17, 2018

Patrick St Charles was in Class 015 of Goruck Selection with me.  We trained with 3 other guys from my garage and another, Jonathan Hurtado, online.  

The first class went pretty well for me.  I made it roughly 19 hours and learned all the lessons I needed from this event.  Jonathan and Patrick did not do as well and the failure in 015 left them both very hungry for another try.  They both ended up in quite a bit different situation in the second attempt.

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March 13, 2018

No excuses, just busy.  The daily blog returns after a layoff.  Sorry to the daily readers, but there is nothing wrong.  Thanks for your emails.

The CrossFit Open has been going on the last 3 weeks and it always throws me for a loop in training.  I want to do my best which usually requires a little rest and also a retest of each workout.  My schedule has been to watch the announcement on Thursday and then try it around 4 pm on Friday after sleeping in.  I will get more rest on Saturday and Sunday, sleep in on Monday and then try again at 5 pm.  Then Tuesday is usually some sort of skill work, hoping to outsmart Dave Castro and be a little ahead in some movement that I expect on the next workout.  So far, I have not outsmarted anyone.

Wednesday is track work and Thursday is more skill based and movement based stuff.

I actually think that my training goes down hill during the Open, but I do feel rested.


Front Squat 5-4-3-2-1


10 Thrusters @ 95

10 Pullups

10 Row Calories

x 3



Core Circle Jerk

We all get in a circle and each of us calls out a core exercise and reps.  We went around once.  9 guys here today

I hope the Open is going well for everyone, if you are in it.  

February 26, 2018

My forecast for my score of 340 in the CrossFit Games Open 2018 was fairly accurate.  While I was proud of a respectable score, I figured that it would slip down the board and be lucky to be in the top 100 of Men 45-49.  There are some real athletes competing in this event and because it is a Worldwide event, you encounter athletes like 2 time Olypian Sion Brinn who is currently in 3rd place.

All this is to say that my first attempt is not going to be good enough so I am going to try it again tonight at 6 pm and hope for a higher score.

This morning:

Row 2000

100 Pushups

100 situps

50 Mtn Climbers

25 Dips


February 23, 2018

Today we did the 2018 CrossFit Games 18.1 Open workout.

The workout is:

Workout 18.1

Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:
8 toes-to-bars
10 dumbbell hang clean and jerks
14-cal. row

Men use 50-lb. dumbbell/Women 35-lb

Since I let our official affiliate go last year because my gym is a not for profit endeavor, I have to go to an official affiliate and be judged by someone who has passed the Judges course.  This week I chose 3 Bridges CrossFit.  Great people there and my good friend Trevor as well.

I was in a heat with Trevor and Hilary Gerrish who is a regional level women's competitor.  I read the Comptrain Masters tips an decided to try to go unbroken on the T2B and Dumbbells.  I would take any needed rest on the rower while pulling slower and minimize transitions. 

I did pretty well, however there may be more in the tank.

I finished with 340 reps which is 10 full rounds + 8 T2b + 10 Dumbbells + 2 Calories.  The top score in the mens division is 449 which is insane.  Women are proving to be human with Davidsdottir posting a 413.  My score has me at 12th place Worldwide in 45-49...BUT IT IS STILL VERY EARLY.  I expect my score to continue to slip down the board another 50-60 places.  At that point I will decide if I want to retest on Monday or Sunday.

I think I can do a little better but I do not expect to get a full round better.  However, the way that this competition works is that 1-2 reps can mean 30-40 places on the worldwide board.  To move to the next stage of competition, I have to be top 200 after 5 workouts.  We will see how it goes.  There is no way to forecast when you have no idea what the next workout will be.

Good fun.  I really like the competition and I am glad I am doing it for real this year.

At my garage, the guys did it unofficially yesterday and were getting scores of 8 and 9 rounds.


February 22, 23, 2018

The 2018 CrossFit Games Open is here.  Sam Briggs and Kristin Holte battled it out last night as the workout was announced.  After an early lead, Holte was passed by Briggs who ultimately crushed this workout. 

The workout is:

Open 18.1
8 Toes to Bar
10 Dumbbell Hang Clean and Jerks
14/12 Calorie Row

As I watched the elite women do this workout, I noticed that Briggs came out at a more measured pace.  This strategy worked well for her because she could hold this pace throughout the entire workout. 

I like the 20 minute time but I really dont know what to expect.  I will do this workout at an affiliate this afternoon at 3:30.

Yesterday we simply scheduled some movements to get us mobile but kept it light.

30 calories on Assault Bike

2 min rest

20  Bar facing burpees

2 min rest

10 Thruster

10 pullups

2 min rest

5 Ring MU

2 min rest

5 Bar MU

Good luck to everyone in the Open

February 21, 2018

Need something to listen to?  This week's episode of Joe Rogan Experience has one of my favorite interviews of all time.  David Goggins.  Dont know who he is?  LISTEN to this podcast. 

Need some motivation?  LISTEN to this podcast.

Feeling sorry for yourself? LISTEN to this podcast.

Waiting for someone to come help you?  LISTEN to this podcast.

Going for a run and need something to listen to?  LISTEN to this podcast.

Here it is on iTunes

Here it is on YouTube (Click here if video doesnt display)


I think that my calf has finally healed so I scheduled the Hinshaw workout for our running Wednesday.  Of course, after listening to Goggins, I think I could run 205 miles on a torn calf muscle. 


Run 30 minutes fairly easy


100 @ :22

rest 2 min

150 @ :33

rest 2 min

200 @ 44

Rest 2 min

200 @ 44


February 20, 2018


Deck of Cards on a rainy day with Cossack Squats, Pushups, Burpees, and Situps.  Jokers = 800 and 400 m runs



3 Rounds of AMRAP 4:00, Rest 4:00

Iron Lung” Part #1
27 Calorie Row, 27 Wallballs (20/14), 27 CTB Pull-Ups

Rest 4:00

“Iron Lung” Part #2
21 Calorie Row, 21 Wallballs (20/14), 21 TTB

Rest 4:00

“Iron Lung” Part #3
15 Calorie Row, 15 Wallballs (20/14), 15 Pull-Ups

February 14,15, 2018

Valentines Day

This was a great way to start a Wednesday


Crossfit Games 15.1

Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 9 minutes of:
15 toes-to-bars
10 deadlifts (115 / 75 lb.)
5 snatches (115 / 75 lb.)

Well, this one did not go as well as expected.  In 2015 I completed 5 full rounds + 12 Toes to Bar.  I really did expect to do better than last time.  Oh well...Ill keep trying

February 13, 2018

Today we went deep into the pain cave with two short workouts that will test anyone's resolve.

1.  100 Burpees for time

I finished this in 4:28.  My best ever is 4:26 so I am feeling really good right now.

2.  100 Calories on Assault Bike for time

Justin crushed it at 4:30 while the rest of us finished between 5:30 and 9 minutes

These workouts are tough but necessary.  They provide a max effort stimulus that also is a benchmark for fitness. 

Try it and post your scores.  Standards- clap overhead, jump high enough to get off the ground, hips extended, sternum touches ground.

February 12, 2018

After a weekend of rest and wrestling, we got back to it this morning.  I felt pretty good after spending some time following a Julia Jarvis Yoga class online.  In doing so, I realized that i am super tight in certain areas that my current stretching/mobility protocol has not been hitting.



50 Wallballs (20/14)
50 Double-Unders
40 Box Jumps (24″/20″)
40 Toes-to-Bar
30 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
30 Barbell Facing Burpees
20 Cleans (145/100)
20 Jerks (145/100)
10 Snatches (145/100)
10 Muscle-Ups

I made it to the snatches in plenty of time to get some but probably not all of them.  I had high hopes to make it to the Muscle Ups, but moved too slow on the T2B and C2B pullups.  I tried a snatch or two but failed on both and settled with 280 reps. 

February 6,7,8, 2018

Feb 6

2,000 Meter Row
150 Double-Unders
10 Rounds of “Cindy”

1 Round of “Cindy” = 5 Pull-Ups, 10 Pushups, 15 Air Squats


Feb 7

Assault Bike Assault

I kept the fast pace over 25 mph on first part, over 29 mph on 2nd and over 31 mph on third.  Make it more fun by penalizing lack of performance on the final 60 second sprint .  If it drops below 31 = 10 burpees, below 30 = 20 burpees and continue adding burpees for every mile an hour. 

Feb 8

Warm up with the Kettlebells then

5 kb swing at 53

5 pullups

5 walkout to spiderman reach



do another round with a 70 lb kettlebell

Jump rope 3 min


Back to running today

21 Kb swings

21 pullups

Run 400

15 kb swings

15 pullups

Run 800

9 kb swings

9 pullups

Run 400

February 5, 2018

Happy Birthday to KIM RAY!!

This guy is an absolute inspiration to us all.  Kim turns 57 tomorrow and you would never know it.  He is fast, strong and has an amazing attitude.  Kim was the 2nd or 3rd person to join this group and has been a leader by example since the first day he ever showed up.  Young guys come to the group and think they are going to drop him but they get hammered into the ground and cry. 

Kim is what we all aspire to be.  A quiet leader who lives by a strict moral code.  Competitive but friendly, he will never let anyone win.  If you do beat him on occasion, believe earned it.  Born with genetically weak ankles, Kim has overcome sprain after sprain to go as hard as anyone 1/3 his age.

Happy Birthday Kim!



3:00 Light Bike
Spiderman and Reach, each side (Video)
Walkouts (Video)

Low Intensity:
4 Step Up, Step Downs to Box
4 Calorie Bike
5 Empty Bar Deadlifts
5 Hang Muscle Cleans
5 Elbow Rotations
5 Hang Power Cleans

Build steadily through power clean loadings, followed by reducing back to Part #1 loading.

1 Round, at moderate intensity:
5 Box Jump Overs
5 Calorie Bike
5 Power Cleans


“Come Clean” Part #1
AMRAP 3:00:
24 Box Jump Overs (24″/20″)
21/16 Calorie Assault Bike (24/18 Air Bike)
Max Power Cleans (135/95)

Rest 3:00

“Come Clean” Part #2
AMRAP 3:00:
21 Box Jump Overs (24″/20″)
18/14 Calorie Assault Bike (21/16 Air Bike)
Max Power Cleans (155/105)

Rest 3:00

“Come Clean” Part #3
AMRAP 3:00:
18 Box Jump Overs (24″/20″)
15/12 Calorie Assault Bike (18/14 Air Bike)
Max Power Cleans (185/135)

Rest 3:00

“Come Clean” Part #4
AMRAP 3:00:
15 Box Jump Overs (24″/20″)
12/9 Calorie Assault Bike (15/12 Air Bike)
Max Power Cleans (205/145)

January 23, 2018

Excellent start to the day today!

Alternating OTM x 10 (5 Rounds)
Even Minutes – 14/10 Calorie Assault Bike
Odd Minutes – 5 Overhead Squats


3 Rounds:
50 Air Squats
35 Pushups
20 Calorie Row

Post times

I finished this one in 8:41 and we set the standard of the pushups to be touching our chest to an abmat which is shorter than the closed fist in which the Navy uses. 

January 22, 2018

It was Justin's 40th Birthday this morning so he strapped on the 20 lb vest

I searched the archives for a 40th birthday.  The closest I could find was Will Kelley's 41st birthday.  It has been some time since we did this one, so we dialed back all reps to 40 and hit it.

There was a great turnout and the weather was nice and warm for a pleasant change.

Happy Birthday Justin!

We have done this workout 9 times and my results are all over the board.  The first time was August 19, 2009 on my 40th birthday which was before the tradition of weighted vests on your birthday started.  I did it in 22:38.  It has been done on other people's birthdays without a vest but also on my own birthday again with increased weights of a 20 lb vest, 70 lb kettlebell, and 75 lb thruster.  This one took 41:55. 

January 17, 18, 2018

A massive cold front came through town and dropped the temperatures to single digits.  A few inches of snow came with it overnight making the roads a little slick.

In a moment of weakness, I started wondering who might show up on a morning like this.  All the guys from the Mountain areas were likely out, it was a Wednesday which is usually run day and we have a lighter crowd traditionally.  Who would come?  I sent a text to a few of the guys who live close by and got negative responses.  Then, it happened...

I sent out an email saying that for the first time in the history of the RRL we would cancel the morning workout for any reason.  This time it was weather. 

I slept in and it felt wonderful.

Around 10:30 am, emails started flying around about breaking an 11 year streak of never cancelling a workout.  Jody suggested a 4 pm workout to keep the streak alive and we had a good turnout.  Kevin, Jody, David, Michael, Matt G, and I did a rowing workout that was a lung burner.

So, I guess we still haven't cancelled a workout, only postponed.


Today, it was 16 degrees but we had an awesome showing.  Justin brought a friend, Wade brought a friend and Matt Greenwell was back for day 2 in a row.  So many of the regulars were there today getting this day off to an amazing start.

Also, Justin is the KING of the Assault Bike.  Byron, if you are reading, you better keep up the intensity because Justin is coming for you.



5 Rounds, starting every 4:00:
10 CTB Pull-Ups
18 DB Snatches (50/35)
15/12 Calorie Assault Bike

If we are using an Airdyne today, complete 21/15 calories.
If we do not have access to a bike, complete on the rower for equal calories (15/12).

Rounds start on the 0:00, 4:00, 8:00, 12:00, and 16:00.
After completing the work inside the round, time remaining before the next interval is rest.
Score today will be our *slowest* round of all five.

Januray 16, 2018

Wim Hof

Crossover Symetry

Warm up

6 Rounds of a 1:00 Window:
12 GHD Sit-Ups + Max Kipping Handstand Pushups in time remaining.
Rest :30s between each round.

Score is your *lowest* round of kipping handstand pushups across all rounds.


5 x 4:00 On / 4:00 Off:
30/20 Calorie Row
20/14 Calorie Assault Bike Bike
Max 10 Meter Shuttle Sprints in time remaining.

Set two cones 10 Meters apart from each other for the shuttle runs. Each time you move cone to cone (1 length, or 10 Meters), this counts as 1 rep. This is the scored portion. Add the total from all five rounds together