January 17, 18, 2018

A massive cold front came through town and dropped the temperatures to single digits.  A few inches of snow came with it overnight making the roads a little slick.

In a moment of weakness, I started wondering who might show up on a morning like this.  All the guys from the Mountain areas were likely out, it was a Wednesday which is usually run day and we have a lighter crowd traditionally.  Who would come?  I sent a text to a few of the guys who live close by and got negative responses.  Then, it happened...

I sent out an email saying that for the first time in the history of the RRL we would cancel the morning workout for any reason.  This time it was weather. 

I slept in and it felt wonderful.

Around 10:30 am, emails started flying around about breaking an 11 year streak of never cancelling a workout.  Jody suggested a 4 pm workout to keep the streak alive and we had a good turnout.  Kevin, Jody, David, Michael, Matt G, and I did a rowing workout that was a lung burner.

So, I guess we still haven't cancelled a workout, only postponed.


Today, it was 16 degrees but we had an awesome showing.  Justin brought a friend, Wade brought a friend and Matt Greenwell was back for day 2 in a row.  So many of the regulars were there today getting this day off to an amazing start.

Also, Justin is the KING of the Assault Bike.  Byron, if you are reading, you better keep up the intensity because Justin is coming for you.



5 Rounds, starting every 4:00:
10 CTB Pull-Ups
18 DB Snatches (50/35)
15/12 Calorie Assault Bike

If we are using an Airdyne today, complete 21/15 calories.
If we do not have access to a bike, complete on the rower for equal calories (15/12).

Rounds start on the 0:00, 4:00, 8:00, 12:00, and 16:00.
After completing the work inside the round, time remaining before the next interval is rest.
Score today will be our *slowest* round of all five.