August 9, 2022

It must be close to the first day of school because we had quite a reunion today!

Steen + June return from Wyoming, Will Ensign returns, Card Steel on his 2nd day of the return, then the regulars, Mathew, Jody, Jim, Rusty + Ellie and Me + Moose enjoyed a great workout while we celebrated the career of Olivia Newton John RIP.

With Grease soundtrack playing loud, we did this

Back Squat 5,4,3,3

Bench Press 3,3,3,3,max reps at light weight



25 ft Front Rack Walking Lunge

8 bar facing Burpees

25 ft front rack walking lunge

8 bar facing burpees

8 Bar muscleups

x 4 rounds

It called for 115/85 but I scaled this back to 55 due to the hip injury from falling off the pullups bar 2 weeks ago today. Its getting better but that is a tough movement right now.


Cardio finisher

1:00 on/1:00 off x 10 rounds

10 cal bike sprint then finish the minute at 1 mile pace.

Great start to the day.

Ethan Suplee on the podcast today!