March 27, 2021

The CrossFit Open has had my attention lately and I have neglected to post here.

The workouts have been interesting and good tests, in my opinion. At the end of the 3 I am feeling good about all the results except 21.3 and 21.4. 21.1 and 21.2 were completed twice and both times I did much better on the second time.

I am considering doing 21.3 and 4 again but Im not sure it will be necessary. The top 10% move on to the next round. There are 6700 people in my division so the top 670 move on. I expect to be in the top 50 after this result. I may just take this weekend to recover and get set to be at my best when the next round starts. That entails some celebration which just might include some ice cream and extra sleep.

I hope that your CrossFit Open has been going well. If you are not in this competition I hope that you have your own event or milestone you are preparing for. GO get it!

Here are the Podcasts that I have done on the Open

Week 1

Week 2

Week 3