September 18,19,20, 2018

This has been a weird week. On my first back squat on Monday, I felt something in my back. I stopped immediately, but the damage was done. It was significant, but I did get on it quickly. I got in the ice immediately which helped. I followed that with a very hot shower. I felt pretty decent at that point but made the mistake of hanging from a bar, stretching and rolling. It was too early and I really aggravated it.

Acupuncture followed and then just laying on my back. then more ice and more heat.

The next day I started in the ice then super hot shower and I could tell a 95% improvement. I took it easy all day with no more stretching, no sitting and just moving gently.

In the afternoon I tried some assault bike which felt good and some Ski erg which was also good. I did 30-20-10 of both of those with calories and felt pretty good. I finished off with some ice and heat.

Wednesday I avoided the 5 mile run that others did and I did 30-20-20 calories on Assault, Ski and Row with a 1 min plank at the end. I did that am rap for 35 minutes. It felt good

Today, the workout was 3 partner workouts

  1. P1 Bar hang, P2 max pushup.  Amrap 8 min,  switch when someone comes off bar.  Score = total pushups

  2. P1 15 burpees, P2 Max cal assault or row, switch when done w burpees.  Score = total calories

  3. P1 run 400, P2 Max squats.   Switch when return from run.  Score = max squats

Good one!