Wed Nov 18,2015

Another experiment today.  We did the Wim Hof Breathing as a group before the workout.  We combined 3 rounds with the pushups and everyone saw major gains in their pushups over the benchmark set while fresh and breathing.


After, we ran 5k.

then Split Jerk 1-1-1-1-1-1-1

My time was, again, fast for me.  I had 29 results for a 5k on the Whiteboard and upon looking about 12 were from this exact course.  I had only run faster than today 2 times since 2011.

The breathing is definitely helping...or something is.  The only thing that has really changed is this breathing program.  I do feel really good when working out and the major results that I have had recently have been somewhat effortless, honestly. 

Who knows...Ill keep doing it and finish the 10 week course and see what happens. 


Stand by